Leading Manufacturer of RFID devices

Elevator Access Control

Elevator Access Control permits use by authorized persons/ residents of the building. DDS Elevator Access Control secures the building by permitting entry to Elevator by authorized persons/ residents only. Lift Access Control secures entry to elevator/ lift from any Landing. Lift Access Control permits access to single Floor or Multi floor or time controlled depending on time of the day.


DDS Elevator/Lift Access Control system offers single floor access where the user needs to show his/ her credentials (card) to register the floor call. In multi floor access system the user selects the authorized floor. A multi floor access control offers convenience  to high rise buildings where one company or family needs access to different floors. Multi floor Access Control truly secures high rise building with flexibility.

Time controlled Elevator access control permits entry on the basis of time of the day. Example: Time controlled Elevator Access Control will allow free use of elevator/lift during day time and permit entry only to authorized persons at night.

Unique Feature

DDS Elevator Access Control features a unique “Guest Control Facility” for parties and functions. This function can be switch ON/ OFF by the admin of the building without requesting a service/ support call.

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How Elevator Access Control Works

How Elevator Access Control works

Every authorized person carries his/ her Access Card. The Access Card is held in the front of the Access Control  as shown above. On reading the credentials the  Access Control Beeps. Authorized person then selects the floor button. The floor button lights up indicating the call is registered. DDS Access Controls supports Access Cards, Biometric and Mobile phone credentials.

Biometric Authentication
COP Elevator Access Control

Biometric Reader

Biometric Elevator Access Control is used when high security is required and minimum guest visit.

Card Reader

This is most acceptable and popular as it offers flexibility, ease of operation, allows more features and security. Every authorized person carries a ID size card with electronically encoded credentials and without printing for security reasons.

Types of Elevator Access Controls

COP Control

DDS Elevator Access Control System is simple and feature rich with convenience, flexibility, ease of operation,   Secured, is scalable and cost effective. 

Every authorized member of the facility is issued a card. Authorized card holder presents his/ her card to Access Control, then selects the floor button on COP (Car Operating Panel). 

Benefits :

  • Convenient: Only Authorized card holder have access 24/7.
  • Flexible:  Authorized card is shared with children or guest in the family.
  • Ease of Operation: Only showing the card to Access Control.
  • Cost Effective: Less than 2 – 5 %  of cost of the Elevator
  • Scalable:  Add on optional features are available
COP Elevator Access Control

Landing Control

To restricts entry to elevator on Ground Floor (landing). 

Landing Access Control allows Authorized card holder to call the elevator to the floor (Landing) by showing the authorized card and then pressing the floor landing button. This has a advantage of avoiding unauthorized calls from ground floor or other floors by unauthorized persons thus avoiding unnecessary up and down movement of elevator saving electricity. Once inside the elevator one can access any floor. To secure the entire facility, all floor landing must be secured with Landing Access Control.

A combination of COP Access control and Landing Access Control at all floor landings is the best security option for elevators.

Landing Elevator Access Control

Rich Features

DDS manufactures Elevator Access Control since 2002. DDS Elevator Access Control offers features to suit customer security and convenience. 


This feature automatically registers call to specific floor on showing the card to Access Control.  This is “Self Floor” as he/she is residing on the floor. 


Some owners in a high rise facility need to access more than one floor. These authorized card holders are given “Multi Floor” access rights.

Time Control Access Control

Certain facilities prefer to restrict access to elevators only during night and allow free access to elevator as the facility allows entry to maids, milk man, fruit & vegetable vendors etc. 


This is very useful and interesting feature of DDS Elevator Access Control. 

In large facilities with multiple buildings, Security guard at entrance of facility issues a time bound Guest Access Card to specific floor after verifying with host. Guest hands over the Guest Access Card to the host who returns it to security. Alternatively, security guard registers the floor call for the guest.


To cater to  functions/ parties when more number of guests are expected, a feature is provided to over ride the Access Control to specific floor or all floor. All guests enter the elevator and register call by selecting floor button on the COP. This feature is activated by guest control card.


As a standard feature, DDS Elevator Access Control is connected to any Fire Alarm Panel. In case of fire in the building/ zone, the access control is bypassed.


When a traditional DCS is used, the calls are given only from the Destination Operating Panel (DOP).  Card reader is integrated with the Destination Operating Panel (DOP). Turnstile integration is done to activate direct home floor call feature when a person passes through it.


Elevators with more than one COP

Elevators with two entry/ exit on either side

Car Parking elevator control

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